Obedience Classes
I am here to provide you with the tools and skills to help you with your dog. It is up to you to put in the time and effort working with your dog everyday. You must be committed to putting in the time in order to see the successful outcome that I know every dog can achieve. The more time and effort you put into each course, the more successful you and your dog will be. You and your dog are a team! Working together is the key!
Basic Obedience Training
This is a 6 week class (I hour/week plus homework). This course is beneficial for both puppies and adult dogs (puppies should be at least 12 weeks old). In this class you will learn how to teach your dog over 20 exercises. We will focus on sit, down, stay, no pull walking and so much more! This is a fun course that will push your dog to learn all the things necessary to have a well behaved dog. This course will set you up for life. No need to take another course with your dog unless you want to further your dogs skills. At the end of this class your dog will receive a certificate of achievement when they perform the expected exercises.
Intermediate Obedience Training
This is a five week course where your dog will be pushed passed basic cues and commands. This is a formal course where we will focus a lot on heeling off leash using tab work, encouraging your dog to push basic skills further and learn some new and exciting exercises that will focus on impulse control. Upon completion of this course and demonstration of expected skills, your dog will receive their Intermediate certificate of achievement. Prior to your dog taking this class they must have already taken a basic obedience class and be confident and consistent in the following cues: sit, down, heel, stay, touch, back, formal recall, sit and down from six feet.
Needed for this class: a tab leash and a 30 foot leash.